The Mission of R4C Ranch is to mentor, inspire, and equip individuals to live passionately for Christ in their families, communities, and corporations.
Riders For Christ trail riding fellowship is open to anyone interested in seeking after the heart of God through equestrian and outdoor adventure.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

HEART FROM GOD (©2010 R4C Ranch)

"A life without heart is not worth living (Curtis/Eldredge)."

-From the heart the mouth speaks (Matt 15:18)
-Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. (Deut 6:5)
-Lay up his words in your heart. (Job 22:22)

Even before the first kick or flutter felt in the womb, new parents hear the heartbeat of their growing baby. The first signs of life on an early sonogram are the pictures of the heart pumping inside a tiny shadow resembling a tiny seahorse. Before God puts air into our lungs, he puts the beat in our heart. Is it any wonder that our dreams and passions and ability love are so connected to our heart?

The life of our heart, our inner life, is the life of the deep places within us. Our passions and dreams, our fears and our deepest wounds reside there. Is any wonder that the bible says that God will judge our heart? God admires men who is after God's own heart.

"There is a rousing longing deep within our heart, wakening a yearning for intimacy, beauty, and adventure (Curtis/Eldredge)."

This is the most powerful part of our human existence because God designed it within us. The design of our heart was the beacon that would lead us back to him. Our heart's desires keep us on search for meaning, wholeness, and a sense of being alive. The passion of our life is the voice of God calling us and leading us back to him.

Of course, Satan will use those desires to distract us, to confuse us, and to tempt us to keep us off our path back to God. But God sent us a savior to redeem the life our wayward hearts, to give us direction and hope. Christ is a beacon of light to follow back to God.

The journey of the heart-- is our road back to God. Jesus came to show us the way, to redeem the inner life of our heart, to keep our passions and desires pure so that we can live the abundant life of beauty, intimacy, and adventure with God.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength and with all your mind. Do this and you will live! (Luke 10:26-28).

For more about the journey of the heart read, "The Sacred Romance: Drawing Closer to the Heart of God" by Brent Curtis & John Eldredge.

What did you think of this article?

6/27/2010 10:45 PM vcloud wrote:
I really like John Eldredge, but just remember to not take his word as gospel. Make sure that you're following your Creator first and foremost!

Reply to this

Good point vcloud. The study I am currently doing reminds us not to let our emotions and feelings cloud who we think God is and our relationship with him.

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