The Mission of R4C Ranch is to mentor, inspire, and equip individuals to live passionately for Christ in their families, communities, and corporations.
Riders For Christ trail riding fellowship is open to anyone interested in seeking after the heart of God through equestrian and outdoor adventure.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day Twenty-Seven: Muzzles into Megaphones

Offer the Living Water
      I often think back on the time when my daughter brought back a children's picture bible from the playground in our apartment complex. She was so excited that a group was meeting there and they gave her a free book. I on the other hand was upset that someone was trying to indoctrinate my daughter into their religious beliefs without my permission. What was I afraid of? Looking back I think I was more afraid of not knowing, whole heartedly what I truly believed so that I could pass it along to her.
      The day I became assured of my faith I was no longer afraid of the beliefs of others. No longer was it my belief I was proselytizing but now it was the Truth I was walking out. Interesting that our passage reading for today talks both about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and about preaching the good news. How do you know when to keep quiet and when to share your testimony without the prompting of the Holy Spirit?
     Have you ever called someone up and never gotten a chance to tell them why you called? Maybe they are so excited to hear your voice that they begin sharing their own good news with you and forget you called them. You wait for a good moment to "change the subject" but the opportunity never comes. You don't want to interupt so you just listen. Eventually you get a break, "I almost forgot the reason I called was..."
     Sharing the good news is not about preaching but rather sharing what you believe to be true. People do this all day. I listen to what people beleive all day. So there is usually an opportunity to at least throw in my two cents worth of what I beleive. I know it's worth a lot more than two cents but I don't often get more than a few sound bites. I love it when those sound bites come inspired by the Holy Spirit.
    When you share your testimony about Christ you may get a few questions thrown at you? Some questions  are genuine questions but others are only meant to trip you up in an attempt to make you look foolish for what you believe. Other responses may be more aggressive such as harrassment or chastisement.
    It is amazing that the same patterns of Christian persecution keep coming back around. Interesting when almost every other religion is tolerated but there appears to be an intolerance for the Christian faith. What are they afraid of? When it seems doors are closing and people are careful when and how to share their faith, God opens doors of opportunity to reach out to the hurting with testimonies of your faith. Even in countries where Christians are being killed for their beleif in Christ, God is opening doors of opportunity to reach out to the lost who need him.
   Do you feel like you can practice your faith fully unafraid of persecution?  Has God used that to open up doors of opportunity for you to share your faith with others?


 Follow along in JOHN: 90 Days with the Beloved Disciple by Beth Moore pages 127-130
 Read Acts 8:1-13
 Answer the questions in your study guide.
 Share a brief highlight or two from your thoughts and answers in a comment posted to the group. (Read guidelines and cautions posted August 1, 2010 before you post).
 Read the comments of others and share your thoughts and encouragement with them by replying to their comments. Identify which post you are responding to by addressing them and their subject or pasting a brief portion of their reply at the start of your post.
Lord, I pray each person reading this blog will know your truth and be assured of their faith in you. Help us to drink from the living water and to offer your cup of life to those who so desparately need it especially those who think they don't need you.
 In Jesus Name, Amen.

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