The Mission of R4C Ranch is to mentor, inspire, and equip individuals to live passionately for Christ in their families, communities, and corporations.
Riders For Christ trail riding fellowship is open to anyone interested in seeking after the heart of God through equestrian and outdoor adventure.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

30 of 90

    You may have noticed I have posted 1/3 of our 90 day study and they are not coming in daily. Two reasons: I try to complete my personal study first and some days that is all I manage to get done. Secondly, the topics have been a little more challenging than I expected. I have spent several days praying over some of the topics before I can manage to type up a post. I hope you are finding the breaks acceptable and taking advantage of those times to catch up on any of the study you have missed. Hopefully the more laid back approach is also helpful for those joining the study late.
   I appreciate all the comments I have gotten on facebook and through emails. Feel free to add your comments to the blog as well. You may comment on any of the posts and your comments should appear on our comments updates board. I would be more than happy to generate a discussion on the blog for any related topics on recent or past posts.
   Study posts will always begin with the Day of the Study and the title: Such as Day Thirty: How Do I Know I Can Trust You? You should be able to do a blog search on any day that you need. For example, "Day Thirty." There are also links under the study guide for the corresponding study book and bible readings. Other posts will be interlaced as Riders For Christ gets up and running as well as other posts of interests to Riders for Christ and Friends of R4C Ranch.
  I have began "My Riding Journal" on http://riders4c.blogspot.com/ for anyone interested in following along on our journey to Grand Prix!

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