The Mission of R4C Ranch is to mentor, inspire, and equip individuals to live passionately for Christ in their families, communities, and corporations.
Riders For Christ trail riding fellowship is open to anyone interested in seeking after the heart of God through equestrian and outdoor adventure.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day Thirty-Seven: I Could Say More

You don't have to plow through on your own

    Jesus came into my adult life unpretentiously. I was prideful in my suffering and thinking, really God? You want me to believe in Jesus after all of this. God said "Blessed child-- you can come and let me show you or walk out the door. I will never force you." I can still remember the day I almost chose to walk out the door but something tugged at my heart and I am so glad I turned around. "Show me God. Show me who Jesus is."
     That day changed my life. God gave me a new perspective and made me whole, filling every crevice that was once empty. No person, place, or thing could fill those bottomless pits of emptiness. I began to walk with Jesus- he wiped my tear, called my name, held my hand, caught my fall, and whispered courage in my ear. There are so many other things that Jesus did that if I wrote them down one by one "I suppose not even the world itself could contain" them.
    I love reading God's word. It is amazing how much hope and encouragement one scripture can give you. Just when I have forgotten my first true love--- I remember, "There are also so many other things that Jesus did, which, if they were written one by one," John writes, "I suppose not even the world itself could contain the books that would be written (John 21:25). I know! And that is just in my life. How in the world can you explain that to someone else. I want to share those volumes with my loved ones. I want them to have the things Jesus does in their life so they can write their own books.
   Hear the words of Jesus in God's word. Jesus is the word and the word became  flesh and God's word does not return void. Just speaking his words sends out a mighty force into the world around you. What verse is speaking to you today? What is your favorite?
   A verse I like to call my life force is Hebrews 11:1-2, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." It is one that I speak out when attacked by the all the descenders of the world. It is full of God's power and always returns with more things about Jesus I can write in my book. "There are so many other things that Jesus did..." I could say more... but what is your story?

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