"Church life to [the early disciples] was moving in the adrenaline and excitement of the Holy Ghost at the risk of life and limb," says Beth Moore claiming, "We are all built for adventure."
Feeling average, moving boldly and nothing happens, thinking you're out on your own, or being stuck in a rut are all common reasons we miss the Great Adventure. Looking for adventure on an average day may suprise you. What might God be doing in and through you when you don't see noticeable results or receive any recognition? Think outside your box- it's not about what God is doing to impact your life but rather how God is using your life to impact others.
Will you go on the Great Adventure when no one else supports your efforts or seems excited about what God is leading you to do? This can be particularly scarey when your friends and family are warning you not to go. Will you step out in faith without their blessing and support? How do you know what is from God-- Is this his calling into adventure or blocking the path you should not go on? Sometimes God really does want us to stay in the rut a little longer but not to burn out there. Are you paying attention to what is going on in the rut? What is God teaching you while you are there? How is that preaparing you or possibly using you to prepare others to step out with new excitement and boldness for Christ?
Last spring I was so excited about where I thought God was leading me and just knew with every fiber of my being that last summer was going to be a big year for the ranch. I felt God calling me to use my own horse in a program to help the very people already soliciting the ranch for counsel. However, in early spring when my beloved horse, Jazz, had a tragic hoof injury that threatened her life, all my dreams for the ranch and Riding School and our Trail Riding fellowship were sucked away. I was tempted to slip into a great depression, even contemplating selling the ranch. Why had God brought us here just to take away our dreams and the very purpose he'd called us here for?
I can see now that not only was he teaching me to trust him every day but he was preparing others to catch the vision with me. This year, again, as we head into spring, even in winter, I am excited about what God is doing each day preparing us for an exciting year at the ranch. Over the last year, God has really had me under the radar; in little things and in big things. Working with difficult people, God taught me to change my response without expecting others to change. Instead of coming out of a situation feeling hurt and unforgiving, God has shown me how to deal with hurtful people without becoming hurtful myself. In same cases to shake the dust off my feet and move on.
It is a process. Sometimes I fell on my face before the Lord, scared that Jazz was not going to recover. Other days, I walked boldly in faith with a small sign of hope God gave to encourage me even when her doctors tried to prepare me for the worst. Continuing to pay attention to God in the average day, when you feel alone in your efforts, or can't see noticeable results is challenging. Working with others who sabatoge your efforts or take credit for your success can tempt you to fight back with pride and hurtful responses. Remember you are far from average, you are a child of God. God has you under his radar. He is paying attention to every breath you take. No matter what anyone else believes about you-- God knows you as his beloved child. You are precious to him and he is with you in every moment preparing the way for you and calling you into the excitement of the Great Adventure.
Follow along in JOHN: 90 Days with the Beloved Disciple by Beth Moore pages 153-158
Read 1 John 2:24-27
Answer the questions in your study guide.
Share a brief highlight or two from your thoughts and answers in a comment posted to the group. (Read guidelines and cautions posted August 1, 2010 before you post).
Read the comments of others and share your thoughts and encouragement with them by replying to their comments. Identify which post you are responding to by addressing them and their subject or pasting a brief portion of their reply at the start of your post.
Heavenly Father, thank you for always showing us signs that you are still there and for the encouragement to keep moving forward along this Great Adventure you have prepared for us. Help us to not let our feelings and selfish desires come between those that you have put on our path to impact through our Great Adventure with you, even on an average day. In Jesus name, Amen.
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